Neural Noise Shows the Uncertainty of Our Memories

In the moment between reading a phone number and punching it into your phone, you may find that the digits have mysteriously gone astray — even if you’ve seared the first ones into your memory, the last ones may still blur unaccountably. Was the 6 before the 8 or after it? Are you sure? Maintaining… Continue reading Neural Noise Shows the Uncertainty of Our Memories

New Math Research Group Reflects a Schism in the Field

A new organization called the Association for Mathematical Research (AMR) has ignited fierce debates in the math research and education communities since it was launched last October. Its stated mission is “to support mathematical research and scholarship”—a goal similar to that proclaimed by two long-standing groups: the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association… Continue reading New Math Research Group Reflects a Schism in the Field

Nurses Struggle through a New COVID Wave with Rage and Compassion

To health care workers in the COVID era, holidays mean death, and we knew Omicron was coming before it had a name. The wave caused by this variant has barely begun, rapidly gathering steam, and we are exhausted, attempting to pull from reserves badly drained by earlier surges. Back in August, the beds of my… Continue reading Nurses Struggle through a New COVID Wave with Rage and Compassion

Computer Scientists Eliminate Pesky Quantum Computations

As quantum computers have become more functional, our understanding of them has remained muddled. Work by a pair of computer scientists has clarified part of the picture, providing insight into what can be computed with these futuristic machines. “It’s a really nice result that has implications for quantum computation,” said John Watrous of the University… Continue reading Computer Scientists Eliminate Pesky Quantum Computations

New Year’s Resolutions Are Notoriously Slippery, but Science Can Help You Keep Them

Every January nearly half of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. We resolve to eat better, exercise more, get organized, spend less money, and so on. Unfortunately, several studies suggest that most of these resolutions don’t stick. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve made a resolution this year and would like help… Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions Are Notoriously Slippery, but Science Can Help You Keep Them

Fires Doubled Australia’s Carbon Emissions—Ecosystems May Never Soak It Back Up

Bush fire season is underway again in Australia, where summer has just kicked off. Yet the country is still recovering from record-breaking wildfires two years ago that killed at least 33 people, destroyed thousands of homes and burned more than 65,000 square miles of land. How quickly the natural landscape recovers depends on the climate… Continue reading Fires Doubled Australia’s Carbon Emissions—Ecosystems May Never Soak It Back Up

Surgeons Transplant Pig’s Heart into Dying Human Patient in a First

Doctors have transplanted the heart from a genetically modified pig into the chest of a man from Maryland in a last-ditch effort to save his life. The first-of-its-kind surgery is being hailed as a major step forward in the decades-long effort to successfully transplant animal organs into humans.  Although it’s been tried before—one of the… Continue reading Surgeons Transplant Pig’s Heart into Dying Human Patient in a First

Richard Leakey’s Legacy in Science, Conservation and Politics

Richard Leakey, paleoanthropologist, conservationist and Kenyan political leader, died January 2 at his home near Nairobi. His expeditions discovered hundreds of hominin fossils, leading Fred Spoor, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, to tell me his findings were “a most extensive and diverse fossil record of early human evolution.”* Other scientists, conservationists,… Continue reading Richard Leakey’s Legacy in Science, Conservation and Politics