Magnetism May Have Given Life Its Molecular Asymmetry

Some event or series of events early in the history of life must have “broken the mirror,” as biochemists put it, throwing life into molecular asymmetry. Scientists have debated why life became homochiral, and whether it needed to happen or if it was purely a fluke. Were chiral preferences impressed on early life by biased… Continue reading Magnetism May Have Given Life Its Molecular Asymmetry

The AI Tools Making Images Look Better

It’s one of the biggest cliches in crime and science fiction: An investigator pulls up a blurry photo on a computer screen and asks for it to be enhanced, and boom, the image comes into focus, revealing some essential clue. It’s a wonderful storytelling convenience, but it’s been a frustrating fiction for decades — blow… Continue reading The AI Tools Making Images Look Better

What Caused Maui’s Devastating Wildfires?

Editor’s Note (8/21/23): This article was updated after posting to include new details of the situation on the ground, including the death toll from the fires. At least 114 people have been confirmed to be killed by wildfires that raged uncontrolled on the famously beautiful Hawaiian island last week. People were left with little time to escape from… Continue reading What Caused Maui’s Devastating Wildfires?

What a Contest of Consciousness Theories Really Proved

Dehaene favored the second experiment, which also involved the comprehensive decoding of brain patterns. Test subjects would be randomly exposed to faces and objects flashed on a screen while they played a distracting Tetris-like video game. Shortly after an image was shown, the game would stop and the subject would be asked whether they saw… Continue reading What a Contest of Consciousness Theories Really Proved

New Codes Could Make Quantum Computing 10 Times More Efficient

Through these checks — and more subtle tweaks of the iffy qubits — you can also hide a reliable qubit throughout the square block’s data-carrying qubits, not exactly here or there but sort of everywhere. As long as the iffy qubits keep the Minesweeper operations humming along smoothly, the hidden qubit stays safe and can… Continue reading New Codes Could Make Quantum Computing 10 Times More Efficient

The Hidden Brain Connections Between Our Hands and Tongues

One day, while threading a needle to sew a button, I noticed that my tongue was sticking out. The same thing happened later, as I carefully cut out a photograph. Then another day, as I perched precariously on a ladder painting the window frame of my house, there it was again! What’s going on here?… Continue reading The Hidden Brain Connections Between Our Hands and Tongues

Strange Ecosystem Found Thriving below Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents

There may be no ecosystem on Earth that seems less hospitable than hydrothermal vents. In the perpetual darkness, cold and relentless pressures of the deep sea, these volcanic seeps spew piping hot water so loaded with particles and metals that it looks like black smoke billowing from a chimney. But even these hellish habitats are… Continue reading Strange Ecosystem Found Thriving below Seafloor Hydrothermal Vents

In a Monster Star’s Light, a Hint of Darkness

His team’s analysis, published in June in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, did not find evidence for wavelike dark matter effects in high-resolution images of arcs of light from one gravitational lens, suggesting that the dark particle must be heavier than the smallest fuzzy candidates. But an April study in Nature Astronomy, led… Continue reading In a Monster Star’s Light, a Hint of Darkness

Andreas Wagner Pursues the Secrets to Evolutionary Success

Quanta Magazine > 0; if (typeof predicate !== ‘function’) { throw new TypeError(‘predicate must be a function’); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; var k = 0; while (k We care about your data, and we’d like to use cookies to give you a smooth browsing experience. Please agree and read more about our privacy policy.Agree… Continue reading Andreas Wagner Pursues the Secrets to Evolutionary Success

Math Proof Draws New Boundaries Around Black Hole Formation

The modern notion of a black hole has been with us since February 1916, three months after Albert Einstein unveiled his theory of gravity. That’s when the physicist Karl Schwarzschild, in the midst of fighting in the German army during World War I, published a paper with astonishing implications: If enough mass is confined within… Continue reading Math Proof Draws New Boundaries Around Black Hole Formation