Russian Appeasement Was a Left-Wing Monopoly

During this 2009-2014 reset, a confused United States invited Russia back into the Middle East after a nearly 40-year hiatus. It refused to provide a beleaguered Ukraine with offensive weapons. NATO members increasingly ignored their promised military contributions. The United States cut defense spending. Obama discouraged domestic gas and oil production. The world price of… Continue reading Russian Appeasement Was a Left-Wing Monopoly

Democrats Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban

Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but the Biden administration is making one anyway. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has collected nearly one billion firearm purchase records. The government has now created a searchable digital database containing 866 million of these transactions, including some 54 million… Continue reading Democrats Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban

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Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All

Before, during, and after the Senate stalemate that has bottled up Democrats’ national election reform bill, a dominant story line has taken hold inside the Democratic Party and much of the media. It goes like this: In state capitols around the country controlled by Republicans, the GOP is trying to accomplish legislatively what the Jan.… Continue reading Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All

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Racially Sensitive ‘Restorative’ School Discipline Isn’t Behaving Very Well

The fight outside North High School in Denver was about to turn more violent as one girl wrapped a bike chain around her fist to strike the other. Just before the attacker used the weapon, school staff arrived and restrained her, ending the fight but not the story. Most high schools would have referred the… Continue reading Racially Sensitive ‘Restorative’ School Discipline Isn’t Behaving Very Well

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The End of America? It’s Not That Hard to Imagine

Lately, we keep hearing about this or that “threat to the republic,” ironically mostly involving something Republicans are doing or purporting to do, but I’m starting to think maybe (stop me if you’ve heard this before) the real threat is a cabal of powerful people who don’t want to give up power. My recent column… Continue reading The End of America? It’s Not That Hard to Imagine

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Joe Rogan: “I Am Interested In Having Interesting Conversations With People That Have Differing Opinions”

Joe Rogan posted this video on Instagram responding to calls for Spotify to censor his podcast: JOE ROGAN: I wanted to make a video to address some of the controversy that has been going on over the past few days. First off, I wanted to say thank you to everyone that has sent love and… Continue reading Joe Rogan: “I Am Interested In Having Interesting Conversations With People That Have Differing Opinions”

Will the Battle to Replace Breyer Be Bitter, or Just Close?

Wednesday’s announcement by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer that he would be retiring at the end of the court’s current session has raised the obvious question of how contentious the battle over his replacement will be. One thing is almost certain to be true: No matter who is nominated by President Joe Biden, there will… Continue reading Will the Battle to Replace Breyer Be Bitter, or Just Close?

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How Universities Will Sidestep SCOTUS on Affirmative Action

Embracing affirmative action is virtually a job qualification for university administrators. The same is true, alas, for faculty and students in the humanities and social sciences. They march in lockstep toward a society permanently categorized by race, all with the best of intentions but not the best of outcomes. They aren’t just woke. Their eyelids… Continue reading How Universities Will Sidestep SCOTUS on Affirmative Action

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Drop Boxes, Mail-In Voting Are Not Threats to Election Integrity

Late last week, a judge in Wisconsin ruled that absentee-ballot drop boxes could no longer be used in the state, writing that state law only allows for absentee ballots to be returned in-person or mailed back for counting. This ruling comes as ballot drop boxes had widespread, successful use during the 2020 presidential election, predominately… Continue reading Drop Boxes, Mail-In Voting Are Not Threats to Election Integrity

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The First Lady Double Standard

When Joe Biden was elected in November 2020, the fawning media coverage of his presidency-to-come was trumped by an even more powerful force: The “Dr. Jill Biden” news cycle. In the weeks leading up to Inauguration Day, pro-Jill puff pieces dominated the headlines in ways that only Michelle Obama could understand. Melania Trump, of course,… Continue reading The First Lady Double Standard

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