Finland Joins NATO, Sweden’s Accession Remains Uncertain

Finland is at long last joining NATO, having applied together with Sweden last year in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Finland’s accession represents a boon to NATO, a radical change in Finnish foreign and security policy, and another unplanned setback for Vladimir Putin’s Russia. While Finland is formally welcomed into the alliance by NATO… Continue reading Finland Joins NATO, Sweden’s Accession Remains Uncertain

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Dementia and National Security, Finland Joins NATO, the Four-Day School Week: RAND Weekly Recap

This week, we discuss how dementia in the national security workforce could create a security threat; Finland becoming the 31st NATO ally; learning loss associated with a four-day school week; this week’s U.S.-Taiwan news; preventing shortfalls in critical materials; and America’s dangerous short war fixation. Photo by Joshua Roberts/Reuters Americans are living longer and retiring… Continue reading Dementia and National Security, Finland Joins NATO, the Four-Day School Week: RAND Weekly Recap

Why Blockading Rather Than Retaking Crimea Might Be Kyiv’s Best Option

“Crimea is our land, our territory,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared in January, underscoring Ukraine’s determination to reverse Russia’s illegal seizure of the peninsula. At present, Ukraine may lack the military capability to retake Crimea, but Kyiv might still achieve some of its key objectives by blockading it. New technology may ease this task. Crimea… Continue reading Why Blockading Rather Than Retaking Crimea Might Be Kyiv’s Best Option

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Europe: Ukraine’s Essential Ally

While the United States is Ukraine’s primary military backer, Europe is sharing the war’s overall burden. Ukraine’s future lies in Europe. It is embracing Ukrainians, notably hosting 8 million refugees and sending generous economic and humanitarian aid. Ukrainian flags fly everywhere in Europe. For its treachery, Russia has lost Ukraine. Prior to the war, few… Continue reading Europe: Ukraine’s Essential Ally

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As China Ascends, Concerns Grow It Might Be Tempted into a ‘Splendid Little War’

When a nation newly ascends or returns to the status of a leading international power, it often feels the need to publicly demonstrate its rise through a brief, victorious war. Today, China’s increasing strength may tempt it to pursue such a conflict, and not necessarily with Taiwan, if it anticipates—perhaps incorrectly—that victory will be swift,… Continue reading As China Ascends, Concerns Grow It Might Be Tempted into a ‘Splendid Little War’

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Building a Professional Early Childhood Workforce Requires a ‘Compensation-First’ Approach

Teachers who work in childcare settings in the United States earn $11.65 per hour on average—less than half of what their peers working in schools earn, and below a living wage in most U.S. counties. Accordingly, even prior to the pandemic, childcare teachers (PDF) left the profession at considerably higher rates than K–12 teachers. In… Continue reading Building a Professional Early Childhood Workforce Requires a ‘Compensation-First’ Approach

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Truth Decay and National Security, Gun Violence, Blockading Crimea: RAND Weekly Recap

This week, we discuss how Truth Decay affects national security; America’s gun violence problem; why blockading Crimea may be Ukraine’s best option; improving educational outcomes for kids in foster care; the benefits of investing in women’s health research; and why the Army should be looking for slightly older recruits. Photo by Stephen Emlund/Getty Images Over… Continue reading Truth Decay and National Security, Gun Violence, Blockading Crimea: RAND Weekly Recap