Mastering Irregular Warfare

The U.S. military has failed to master irregular warfare above the tactical level. This is not a new problem, and it is one that has been recognized by leaders at the most senior echelons of government. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated this perhaps most clearly when he admonished the Department of Defense (DoD) in… Continue reading Mastering Irregular Warfare

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Can the War in Ukraine Help the United States Address Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific?

Even as the Russian military continues to struggle in Ukraine, Air Force leaders and top national security experts at the 2022 West Coast Aerospace Forum warned not to expect similar outcomes in a potential conflict with China. The 7th annual event focused on applying lessons learned from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the security challenges… Continue reading Can the War in Ukraine Help the United States Address Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific?

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California’s Ambitious Decarbonization Plan Hasn’t Been Future-Proofed

This week the California Air Resources Board is expected to approve what’s known as its 2022 Scoping Plan, the blueprint to make the state, the world’s fourth-largest economy, carbon-neutral by 2045. The plan is beyond ambitious. “It’ll spur an economic transformation akin to the Industrial Revolution,” Gov. Gavin Newsom declared when it was released last… Continue reading California’s Ambitious Decarbonization Plan Hasn’t Been Future-Proofed

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Bringing About a ‘More Perfect Union’: Street Diplomacy in the Nineteenth Century

In the heart of Philadelphia, a runaway mother desperately held her infant son close as she matched wits with a ruthless slave catcher. The mother, Catherine Thompson, escaped slavery in Maryland, married a free man named William Thompson, and eventually settled in Burlington County, New Jersey. There she gave birth to her son, Joel, and… Continue reading Bringing About a ‘More Perfect Union’: Street Diplomacy in the Nineteenth Century

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How Winners are Losing in American Elections

Who exactly are the winners of this new and confusing electoral system called ranked-choice voting (RCV)? It’s not the thousands of voters that show up to the polls in RCV elections only to have their votes thrown out. The winners of RCV are partisans and special interests who use the system’s design to manipulate election… Continue reading How Winners are Losing in American Elections

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What’s Good for the Goose Isn’t Necessarily Good For the Gander

  My good friends at Merriam Webster define this expression “to say that one person or situation should be treated the same way that another person or situation is treated” (see: Should the U.S. concede the information advantage to our enemies and adversaries?   The Washington Post posted “Pentagon orders review of psyops after… Continue reading What’s Good for the Goose Isn’t Necessarily Good For the Gander

Despite Wind at Its Back, America’s Dominant Abortion Provider Faces a Struggle to Adapt

Shown, an image from a Planned Parenthood video likening chemical abortion to an “early miscarriage” with “lots of cramps and bleeding.” As many of its surgical abortion clinics close, the organization faces competition from abortion drugs widely available online. By Mark Hemingway, RealClearInvestigationsSeptember 8, 2022 Since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June, Planned… Continue reading Despite Wind at Its Back, America’s Dominant Abortion Provider Faces a Struggle to Adapt

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