When Classical Learning Meets Public Education, the Dialogue Isn’t Always Socratic

The future of the controversial classical education movement will be showcased later this month when Columbia University senior lecturer Roosevelt Montás is scheduled to deliver a keynote address at a national symposium hosted by Great Hearts, the biggest classical charter network. Roosevelt Montás: Signaling classical education’s effort to diversify.  Columbia U. Princeton University Press The… Continue reading When Classical Learning Meets Public Education, the Dialogue Isn’t Always Socratic

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Borders, Migrants, & the State of the Union

Very soon, “Catholic” President Biden will address Americans at the 2024 State of the Union.    No matter what spin he puts on things, Americans must know that the state of our nation is gravely imperiled by many of Biden’s failed policies – most especially, his misguided “compassion” regarding immigration that egregiously violates Catholic social teaching… Continue reading Borders, Migrants, & the State of the Union

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Bidenomics Is Bad Economics | RealClearPolicy

Praise for Bidenomics from some media sources might lead people to believe our economic situation has never been better. What most Americans are experiencing is far less rosy. Inflation is no longer just a buzzword whispered in economic circles. It’s a harsh reality hammering the wallets of Americans. Families across the nation are feeling the… Continue reading Bidenomics Is Bad Economics | RealClearPolicy

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The Pipe Bombs Before Jan. 6: Capital Mystery That Doesn’t Add Up

The newly disclosed video shows a dark SUV pulling up to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., at 9:44 a.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. It sits for several minutes until a uniformed man with a bomb-sniffing dog enters from the right and steps up to the vehicle. The driver complies with… Continue reading The Pipe Bombs Before Jan. 6: Capital Mystery That Doesn’t Add Up

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‘Sue and Settle’ Looks to Some Like Crony Democracy. Under Biden’s Lawfaring Eco-Politics, It’s Back.

When the Biden administration announced in 2022 that it would remove some 4 million acres of federal land in Western states from oil and gas exploration, environmental groups hailed the decision as a milestone in their fight against global warming. Scott Pruitt: “The era of regulation through litigation is over,” said Trump’s EPA administrator. AP… Continue reading ‘Sue and Settle’ Looks to Some Like Crony Democracy. Under Biden’s Lawfaring Eco-Politics, It’s Back.

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Critics of ‘Isolationism’ Cherry-Pick the Worst Arguments For It

When he returned home from a visit to the Soviet Union in 1981, Cato Institute co-founder Ed Crane wrote a classic essay (Fear and Loathing In the Soviet Union) in which he called into question the views of both left and right about the U.S.’s then-foremost enemy: To those on the left who felt communism… Continue reading Critics of ‘Isolationism’ Cherry-Pick the Worst Arguments For It

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It’s Time to Upend the Modern University

University presidents have been in the limelight in recent months, more than at any other time in living memory. The additional scrutiny is amply warranted. They occupy powerful positions at their respective institutions. They formulate and communicate a vision for the university. They handle budgetary priorities. They approve hiring requests and promotions. They oversee the… Continue reading It’s Time to Upend the Modern University

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Medicine Now Diagnoses the Non-White ‘Oppressed’ With an Oppressive Case of ‘Weathering’

By John Murawski, RealClearInvestigationsFebruary 13, 2024   In 1986, an upstart public health researcher named Arline Geronimus challenged the conventional wisdom that condemned the alarming rise of inner-city teen pregnancies. While activist minister Jesse Jackson and health care leaders were decrying the crisis of “babies having babies” as a ghetto pathology, Geronimus contended that teenage pregnancy… Continue reading Medicine Now Diagnoses the Non-White ‘Oppressed’ With an Oppressive Case of ‘Weathering’

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Lawyers…Do Better | RealClearPolicy

“It is a sordid business, this divvying us up by race.” Those were Chief Justice John Roberts’ thoughts in a 2006 voting rights case alleging Texas legislators had redrawn voting districts illegally diluting the votes of racial minorities. That sentiment applies with even greater force when lawyers and judges are the ones doing the divvying up.… Continue reading Lawyers…Do Better | RealClearPolicy

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U.S. Asset or U.S. Adversary? Why Qatar Looks Worryingly Like Both

Shown, the skyline of Doha, capital of energy-rich Qatar, financial sponsor of terrorists whose moneyed influence has helped it win bipartisan plaudits in Washington. By Ben Weingarten, RealClearInvestigationsFebruary 7, 2024 After Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, one of the terrorist organization’s chief financial sponsors, hosts of its leaders, and backers of its propaganda found… Continue reading U.S. Asset or U.S. Adversary? Why Qatar Looks Worryingly Like Both

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